Khasiat buah sirsak (graviola) sebagai obat anti tumor/kanker yang sangat kuat dan terbukti secara medis bisa menyembuhkan segala jenis kanker telah menimbulkan kegemparan.
Selain menyembuhkan kanker, buah sirsak juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteri, anti jamur (fungi), melawan berbagai jenis parasit/cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, depresi, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistem syaraf yang kurang baik.
Ketika para pakar riset dari Health Sciences Institute mendengar berita keajaiban buah sirsak, mereka mulai melakukan riset. Hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Graviola memang terbukti sebagai pohon pembunuh sel kanker yang efektif. Kisah lengkap tentang keajaiban buah sirsak dapat dijumpai dalam Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mothers Milk terbitan Health Sciences Institute.
Khasiat dan keajaiban buah sirsak sebenarnya sejak lama diketahui oleh para peneliti di The National Cancer Institute (NCI). Maka itu, NCI memulai riset ilmiahnya pada tahun 1976. Hasilnya membuktikan bahwa daun dan batang kayu buah sirsak mampu menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel berbahaya kanker. Sayangnya hasil ini hanya untuk keperluan intern dan tidak dipublikasikan.
Sejak 1976 itu, buah sirsak terbukti sebagai pembunuh sel kanker yang luar biasa pada uji coba yang dilakukan oleh 20 laboratorium independen yang berbeda-beda.
Untuk pencegahan, disarankan makan atau minum jus buah sirsak.
Untuk penyembuhan, bisa dengan merebus 10 buah daun sirsak yang sudah tua (warna hijau tua) ke dalam 3 gelas air dan direbus terus hingga menguap dan air tinggal 1 gelas saja. Air yang tinggal 1 gelas diminumkan ke penderita setiap 2 kali sehari.
Setelah minum, efeknya badan terasa panas, mirip dengan efek kemoterapi. Dalam waktu 2 minggu, hasilnya bisa dicek ke dokter.
Daun sirsak ini sifatnya seperti kemoterapi, bahkan lebih hebat lagi karena daun sirsak hanya membunuh sel-sel yang tumbuh abnormal dan membiarkan sel-sel yang tumbuh normal. Sedangkan kemoterapi masih ada efek membunuh juga sebagian sel-sel yang normal.
irsak, siapa yang tak kenal buah ini. Kadang disebut juga nangka sabrang, nangka londo, Nangka buris, dan di Bali, lebih dikenali sebagai srikaya Jawa. Daging buahnya yang putih sangat segar, karena manis dan asem berpadu. Dibuat jus dan diminum tengah hari, ampun! nikmat sekali.
Tapi, selain lezat, buah ini juga kaya kandungan obat. Tercatat ambeien, kandung kemih, menceret, dan bisul dapat disembuhkan. Hebat, dapat lejatnya, dapat obatnya.
Khasiat dan manfaat untuk pengobatan:
Ambeien. Buah sirsak yang sudah masak. Peras untuk diambil airnya sebanyak 1 gelas, diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore.
Sakit Kandung Air Seni. Buah sirsak setengah masak, gula dan garam secukupnya. Semua bahan tersebut dimasak dibuat kolak. Dimakan biasa, dan dilakukan secara rutin setiap hari selama 1 minggu berturut-turut.
Bayi Mencret. Buah-sirsak yang sudah masak. Buah sirsak diperas dan disaring untuk diambil airnya, diminumkan pada bayi yang mencret sebanyak 2-3 sendok makan.
Anyang-anyangen. Sirsak setengah masak dan gula pasir secukupnya. Sirsak dikupas dan direbus dengan gula bersama-sama dengan air sebanyak 2 gelas, disaring dan diminum.
Sakit Pinggang. 20 lembar daun sirsak, direbus dengan 5 gelas air sampai mendidih hingga tinggal3 gelas, diminum 1 kali sehari 3/4 gelas.
Bisul. Daun sirsak yang masih muda secukupnya, ditumbuk halus dan ditambah 1/2 sendok air, diaduk sampai merata, ditempelkan pada bagian bisul.
Sumber : iptek dan
4:16 pm |
I Will Be The One
I will be the one to help you through
I will be the one who cares about you
I will wipe away your tears
Hold you tight and kiss away your fears
I will be the one by your side
I will be the one who holds you tight
I will always be there for you
Make you laugh when you are feeling so blue
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
Baby I know your world was torn apart
But I will be the one to heal your heart
If you can believe in me
Just take a chance and you, you will see
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
You are the one I fell in love with so long ago
And now I have a chance to hold you I've got to let you know
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
And I will be the one
I will be the one
I will be the one
I will be the one who cares about you
I will wipe away your tears
Hold you tight and kiss away your fears
I will be the one by your side
I will be the one who holds you tight
I will always be there for you
Make you laugh when you are feeling so blue
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
Baby I know your world was torn apart
But I will be the one to heal your heart
If you can believe in me
Just take a chance and you, you will see
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
You are the one I fell in love with so long ago
And now I have a chance to hold you I've got to let you know
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
And I will be the one
I will be the one
I will be the one
I will be the one to help you through
I will be the one who cares about you
I will wipe away your tears
Hold you tight and kiss away your fears
I will be the one by your side
I will be the one who holds you tight
I will always be there for you
Make you laugh when you are feeling so blue
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
Baby I know your world was torn apart
But I will be the one to heal your heart
If you can believe in me
Just take a chance and you, you will see
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
You are the one I fell in love with so long ago
And now I have a chance to hold you I've got to let you know
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
And I will be the one
I will be the one
I will be the one
I will be the one who cares about you
I will wipe away your tears
Hold you tight and kiss away your fears
I will be the one by your side
I will be the one who holds you tight
I will always be there for you
Make you laugh when you are feeling so blue
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
Baby I know your world was torn apart
But I will be the one to heal your heart
If you can believe in me
Just take a chance and you, you will see
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
You are the one I fell in love with so long ago
And now I have a chance to hold you I've got to let you know
I'll be the one you can count on
Give you a shoulder to hold and to cry on
I can't help it if I'm crazy for you
I've wanted for so long just to be with you
Just to be with you
And I will be the one
I will be the one
I will be the one
I Want To Be With
I wanna be with you
Every morning, every night
I want to be right there by your side
I want to hold you close every day and night
I want to walk with you in the evening light
With you, I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
In the morning when I rise
I want to kiss the sleep away from your eyes
I want to hold you in my arms each night
I want to hold your hand in the pale moonlight
With you, I want to be with you
You make my heart take flight now
You make me feel so right now
There is nothing that I can’t do now
To show the love that I feel for you
I wanna be with you
Hold you every day and night
I wanna walk with you in the pale moonlight
I wanna share my life as the years go by
I wanna spend each day by your side. With you
And my heart will be so true
You light the world around me
Your love fills and surrounds me
I wanna be there by your side now
Just to be with you for all time now
You are the one I fell in love with so long ago, and
Now I have a chance to hold you I’ve got to let you know,
I've got to let you know
You light the world around me
Your love fills and surrounds me
I wanna be there by your side now
Just to be with you for all time now
I will love you til the end of time
I will love you til the sun don’t shine
I will love you each day and night
I will love you til the end of time
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
Every morning, every night
I want to be right there by your side
I want to hold you close every day and night
I want to walk with you in the evening light
With you, I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
In the morning when I rise
I want to kiss the sleep away from your eyes
I want to hold you in my arms each night
I want to hold your hand in the pale moonlight
With you, I want to be with you
You make my heart take flight now
You make me feel so right now
There is nothing that I can’t do now
To show the love that I feel for you
I wanna be with you
Hold you every day and night
I wanna walk with you in the pale moonlight
I wanna share my life as the years go by
I wanna spend each day by your side. With you
And my heart will be so true
You light the world around me
Your love fills and surrounds me
I wanna be there by your side now
Just to be with you for all time now
You are the one I fell in love with so long ago, and
Now I have a chance to hold you I’ve got to let you know,
I've got to let you know
You light the world around me
Your love fills and surrounds me
I wanna be there by your side now
Just to be with you for all time now
I will love you til the end of time
I will love you til the sun don’t shine
I will love you each day and night
I will love you til the end of time
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
Beautiful Day Download
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
It's a beautiful day in the morning
It's a beautiful day at noon
It's a beautiful day in the evening
Each day I spend with you
Love is a beautiful feeling
Love is a wonderful thing
Love sends my heart a reeling
Love makes me want to sing
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a beautiful day
To quote that old Okie cowboy
Everything is going my way
Love is a beautiful feeling
Love is a wonderful thing
Love sends my heart a reeling
Love makes me want to sing
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
What a beautiful, beautiful day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
It's a beautiful day in the morning
It's a beautiful day at noon
It's a beautiful day in the evening
Each day I spend with you
Love is a beautiful feeling
Love is a wonderful thing
Love sends my heart a reeling
Love makes me want to sing
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a beautiful day
To quote that old Okie cowboy
Everything is going my way
Love is a beautiful feeling
Love is a wonderful thing
Love sends my heart a reeling
Love makes me want to sing
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
I wake up each morning, I wake up each day
And I say to myself, what a beautiful day
What a beautiful, beautiful day
losing your love
And each day I wake up, I feel so lonely
That I can only, think of what went wrong
And each day I wake up, I look out the window,
And look for a love that, that surely is gone
But each day I try to find, a little peace of mind
I try to start living without you
And each day I try to find, a little peace of mind
To go down the road of life, living without you
And losing your love is a heartache unending
A grief unbending, that won´t go away
And losing your love is like longing for sunshine
Like looking for springtime, on a cold winter´s day
And so the time has come, to start moving on
A time to start living without you
And so the time has come, to sing a different song
To go down the road of life, living without you
To go down the road of life
And each day I wake up, I feel so lonely
That I can only think of what went wrong
That I can only, think of what went wrong
And each day I wake up, I look out the window,
And look for a love that, that surely is gone
But each day I try to find, a little peace of mind
I try to start living without you
And each day I try to find, a little peace of mind
To go down the road of life, living without you
And losing your love is a heartache unending
A grief unbending, that won´t go away
And losing your love is like longing for sunshine
Like looking for springtime, on a cold winter´s day
And so the time has come, to start moving on
A time to start living without you
And so the time has come, to sing a different song
To go down the road of life, living without you
To go down the road of life
And each day I wake up, I feel so lonely
That I can only think of what went wrong
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